Sunday, April 22, 2012

This one's for you...

I love the internet. There is so much information and so much to learn.
Especially in the world of craft, there are so many wonderful ideas from others, just waiting to be learned. There are so many nice people out there who are so nice and even create tutorials for others to follow.

Recently I came across this wonderful tutorial while browsing craft sites. I just loved what I saw there and decided to try and create my own tree of life. And here's the result:

I know it isn't all that great compared to the ones you find on the net, but I was pretty happy with the result. I should have probably used some larger beads as well....well, next time I will.

Today was my little sister's birthday. Making a tree of life on that day seemed pretty symbolic, so this one is for you, little sis. No, I am not gifting you the tree, but I dedicate the effort to you, pretty cool, huh? :)

So with this I sign off...till the spirit moves me again....